My main research emphasis is the study of the physical processes
responsible for the observed radiation from accreting stellar-mass and
supermassive black holes and neutron stars. Observationally, I have
made extensive use of data from X-ray satellites such as the
X-ray Timing Explorer,
NuSTAR as well as simultaneous optical
and radio observations. This work is not only limited on spectral
studies, as a major emphasis has been on characterizing and
understanding the temporal behavior of these sources on timescales
from milli-seconds to years. I have also developed parallel Monte
Carlo algorithms for the numerical simulation of Comptonization in
Accretion Disk Coronae, and worked on Monte Carlo simulations of the
cyclotron resonance scattering features ("cyclotron lines") forming in
the strong magnetic fields on the polar caps of accreting neutron
stars. Recently, a large fraction of my time has also been spent in
getting involved with the preparation of future space astronomy
missions, such as the eROSITA instrument on-board Spectrum-X-Gamma,
or the studies for SIMBOL-X, MIRAX, LOFT, IXO, Arcus and Athena.
I am also interested in astronomical outreach and the history of
astronomy, due to the location of our institute on the historic
grounds of Remeis-Observatory.
Please use the links on the left side of this page if you are
interested in more information.