Now we have everything ready to unpack the data, which is a straightforward but somewhat tedious process:

  1. create a directory named after the ODF (this name is not required, but will simplify life):

    cd /scratch/phsdak/xmmodf
    mkdir 0112780401
    cd 0112780401
    tar xzvf ../0112780401.tar.gz
  2. remove the original odf file:

    rm ../0112780401.tar.gz
  3. locate the file ending on TAR:

    ls *.TAR

    this should give something like

    where the first four letters are the XMM orbit, the remainder is again the obsid.
  4. untar this file:

    tar xvf 0193_0112780401.TAR
    (note the missing z argument compared to above!). This produces again tons of files.
  5. remove the TAR file:

    rm 0193_0112780401.TAR