Interesting Astronomy and Science Links
AstronomyProposal Tools
Atomic Physics
Physicists tools
Space Links
Computing and HTML Links
These are the ASM- and BATSE-Lightcurves of the objects I'm working on (ASM is black, BATSE is white):
Black Hole Candidates | |||||
Accreting Neutron Stars | |||||
- The homepage of the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sect. Astronomy in Tübingen,
- Astronomers email and postal adresses
- HEASARC, the High Energy Astronomy Archive at NASA Goddard (X-ray staff homepages).
- RXTE Guest Observers Facility, their Software News, the Data Analysis and Processing Section of the homepage and the XTE Frequently Asked Questions (list) and list of known bugs.
- PCAbackest and PCARMF.
- Keith Arnaud (Mr. XSPEC).
- FTOOLS (Frequently Asked Questions)
- AGN Watch
- Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data (WISARD)
- Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill
- Observatories et al.:
- Data Archives:
- Pretty pictures:
- pictures from ROSAT,
- The Milky-Way astronomy related animations.
Proposal Tools
Journals and Books
- Preprints: astro-ph (German mirror)
- Search: ADS Abstract Service at CDS (Strasbourg) and SAO (Cambridge, Mass.)
- Science Citation Index
- Astronomy Journals: ApJ, A&A, AJ, PASP,
- Physics Journals: PROLA, Rep. Progr. Physics, Reviews of Modern Physics, Living Reviews in Relativity
- Instrumentation: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A
- Lecture notes in physics
- Landolt-Börnstein
- Newsletters: IBVS, Matters of Gravity, Active Galaxies Newsletter, GCNews
- Library catalogs: UB Tübingen, Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (access to the most important library catalogs in Germany and internationally), Library of Congress (Z39.50 access).
Atomic Physics
- Atomic Data for Astrophysics.
- CHIANTI: A Database for Astrophysical Emission Line Spectroscopy
- Center for X-Ray Optics
- Atomic Scattering Factors
- Various data from the NIST atomic data archives
A Physicists Toolbox
Physics:- The Fundamental Physical Constants, unfortunately only in mks.
- The NRL Plasma Formulary

Note also the following Web-Indexes on Astronautics and Space Science:
Computing and HTML
- check a site for dead links (alternative from
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